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2. Zvonov A.I., Pankratov N.Y., Karpenkov D.Y., Karpenkov A.Y., Nikitin S.A. Influence of rapid quenching on magnetocaloric effect of Y2(Fe,Mn)17 intermetallic compounds // Solid State Phenomena. 2015. V.233-234. P.196–199.
3. Nikitin S.A., Ovchenkova I.A., Tskhadadze G.A., Skokov K.P. Magnetic Phase Transitions and Magnetocaloric Effect in R<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>17</sub> (R = Y, Tb, Er) // Solid State Phenomena. 2015. V.233-234. P.204-207.
4. Taskaev S., Skokov K., Karpenkov D., Khovaylo V., Buchelnikov V., Zherebtsov D., Ulyanov M., Bataev D., Galimov D., Pellenen A. Magnetocaloric properties of cold rolled Gd<sub>100-x</sub>Zr<sub>x</sub> (x= 0, 1, 2, 3) intermetallic alloys // Solid State Phenomena. 2015. V.233-234. P.220-224.
5. Skokov K.P., Karpenkov A., Pastushenkov Yu.G., Gutfleisch O. Numerical simulation of magnetic cooling cycles // Solid State Phenomena. 2012. V.190. P.319-322.
6. Taskaev S., Skokov K., Karpenkov D., Khovaylo V., Buchelnikov V., Zherebtsov D., Ulyanov M., Bataev D., Pellenen A., Fazlitdinova A. The influence of cold rolling on magnetocaloric properties of Gd<sub>100-x</sub>Y<sub>x</sub> (x = 0, 5, 10, 15) alloys // Solid State Phenomena. 2015. V.233-234. P.238-242.
7. Karpenkov D.Y., Karpenkov A.Y., Skokov K.P., Semenova E.M., Smirnov R.F., Airiyan E.L., Arefev A.I., Pastushenkov Yu.G. The Magnetocaloric Effect in Two-Phase Y-Fe Nanocrystalline Alloys // Solid State Phenomena. 2012. V.190. P.323-326.