1. Taskaev S., Skokov K., Khovaylo V., Buchelnikov V., Pellenen A., Karpenkov D., Ulyanov M., Bataev D., Usenko A., Lyange M., Gutfleisch O. Effect of severe plastic deformation on the specific heat and magnetic properties of cold rolled Gd sheets // Journal of Applied Physics. 2015. V.117. Issue 12. P.123914.
2. Nikitin S.A., Pankratov N.Yu., Smarzhevskaya A.I., Politova G.A., Pastushenkov Yu.G., Skokov K.P., Del Moral A. Giant volume magnetostriction in the Y<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>17</sub> single crystal at room temperature // Journal of Applied Physics. 2015. V.117. P.193908.
3. Skokov K.P., Karpenkov D.Yu., Kuz'min M.D., Radulov I.A., Gottschall T., Kaeswurm B., Fries M., Gutfleisch O. Heat exchangers made of polymer-bonded La(Fe,Si)<sub>13</sub> // Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. V.115. P.17A941.
4. Taskaev S.V., Buchelnikov V.D., Pellenen A.P., Kuz'min M.D., Skokov K.P., Karpenkov D.Yu., Bataev D.S., Gutfleisch O. Influence of thermal treatment on magnetocaloric properties of Gd cold rolled ribbons // Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. V.113. P.17A933.
5. Silibin M.V., Solnyshkin A.V., Kiselev D.A., Morozovska A.N., Eliseev E.A., Gavrilov S.A., Malinkovich M.D., Lupascu D.C., Shvartsman V.V. Local ferroelectric properties in polyvinylidene fluoride/barium lead zirconate titanate nanocomposites: Interface effect // Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. V.114. P.144102.
6. Sokolovskiy V., Buchelnikov V., Skokov K., Gutfleisch O., Karpenkov D., Koshkid'ko Yu., Miki H., Dubenko I., Ali N., Stadler S., Khovaylo V. Magnetocaloric and magnetic properties of Ni<sub>2</sub>Mn<sub>1-x</sub>Cu<sub>x</sub>Ga Heusler alloys: An insight from the direct measurements and ab initio and Monte Carlo calculations // Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. V.114. P.183913.
7. Khovaylo V.V., Skokov K.P., Taskaev S.V., Karpenkov D.Yu., Dilmieva E.T., Koledov V.V., Koshkid'ko Yu.S., Shavrov V.G., Buchelnikov V.D., Sokolovskiy V.V., Bobrovskij I., Dyakonov A., Chatterjee R., Vasiliev A.N. Magnetocaloric properties of Ni<sub>2+x</sub>Mn<sub>1−x</sub>Ga with coupled magnetostructural phase transition // Journal of Applied Physics. 2020. V.127. Issue 17. art.no.173903.
8. Grechishkin R., Kustov M., Ilyashenko S., Gasanov O., Dumas-Bouchiat F., Dempsey N.M. Magneto-optical imaging and analysis of magnetic field micro-distributions with the aid of biased indicator films // Journal of Applied Physics. 2016. V.120. Issue 17. P.174502.
9. Tereshina I.S., Chzhan V.B., Tereshina E.A., Khmelevskyi S., Burkhanov G.S., Ilyushin A.S., Paukov M.A., Havela L., Karpenkov A.Yu., Cwik J., Koshkid'ko Yu.S., Miller M., Nenkov K., Schultz L. Magnetostructural phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Tb-Dy-Ho-Co-Al alloys with a Laves phase structure // Journal of Applied Physics. 2016. V.120. art.no.013901.
10. Tereshina I.S., Pankratov N.Yu., Karpenkov A.Yu., Gorbunov D.I., Doerr M., Paukov M.A., Tereshina-Chitrova E.A., Andreev A.V. Perspective on synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of R–Fe–H hydrides // Journal of Applied Physics. 2021. V.130. Issue 22. art.no.220902.
11. Moore J.D., Klemm D., Lindackers D., Grasemann S., Träger R., Eckert J., Löber L., Scudino S., Katter M., Barcza A., Skokov K.P., Gutfleisch O. Selective laser melting of La(Fe,Co,Si)<sub>13</sub> geometries for magnetic refrigeration // Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. V.114. P.043907.
12. Tereshina I.S., Karpenkov A.Yu., Gorbunov D.I., Doerr M., Tereshina-Chitrova E.A., Drulis H. Structural and high-field magnetic properties of Laves phase RFe<sub>2</sub>-H hydrides // Journal of Applied Physics. 2021. V.130. Issue 21. art.no.210901.
13. Skokov K.P., Karpenkov A.Yu., Karpenkov D.Yu., Gutfleisch O. The maximal cooling power of magnetic and thermoelectric refrigerators with La(FeCoSi)13 alloys // Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. V.113. P.17A945.