1. Maccari F., Karpenkov D.Y., Semenova E., Karpenkov A.Y., Radulov I.A., Skokov K.P., Gutfleisch O. Accelerated crystallization and phase formation in Fe<sub>40</sub>Ni<sub>40</sub>B<sub>20</sub> by electric current assisted annealing technique // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020. V.836. art.no.155338.
2. Karpenkov D.Yu., Skokov K.P., Liu J., Karpenkov A.Yu., Semenova E.M., Airiyan E.L., Pastushenkov Yu.G., Gutfleisch O. Adiabatic temperature change of micro- and nanocrystalline Y<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>17</sub> heat-exchangers for magnetic cooling // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. V.668. P.40-45.
3. Karpenkov D.Yu., Makarin R.A., Karpenkov A.Yu., Korotitskiy A.V., Komlev A.S., Zhelezniy M.V. Adjusting of the performance characteristics of the La(Fe,Si)<sub>13</sub> compounds and their hydrides for multi-stimuli cooling cycle application // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. V.962. art.no.171154.
4. Iwasieczko W., Pankratov N.Yu., Tereshina I.S., Skokov K.P., Karpenkov A.Yu., Grechishkin R.M., Drulis H. Changes in magnetic state of Y<sub>2</sub>(Fe,Mn)<sub>17</sub>-H systems: Regularities and potentialities // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. V.587. P.739–746.
5. Pastushenkov Yu.G., Skokov K.P., Antonova E.S., Ivanova T.I., Bartolome J.S. Domain structure transformation and magnetic susceptibility of Ho<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>17</sub> single crystals // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. V.689. P.894-898.
6. Skokov K.P., Müller K.-H., Moore J.D., Liu J., Karpenkov A.Yu., Krautz M., Gutfleisch O. Influence of thermal hysteresis and field cycling on the magnetocaloric effect in LaFe<sub>11.6</sub>Si<sub>1.4</sub> // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2013. V.552. P.310–317.
7. Karpenkov D.Y., Skokov K.P., Lyakhova M.B., Radulov I.A., Faske T., Skourski Y., Gutfleisch O. Intrinsic magnetic properties of hydrided and non-hydrided Nd<sub>5</sub>Fe<sub>17</sub> single crystals // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018. V.741. P.1012-1020.
8. Politova G.A., Tereshina I.S., Gorbunov D.I., Paukov M.A., Andreev A.V., Grechishkin R.M., Rogacki K. Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of single crystal (Nd<sub>0.5</sub>Pr<sub>0.5</sub>)<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>14</sub>B // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018. V.751. P.283-288.
9. Tereshina I.S., Pelevin I.A., Tereshina E.A., Burkhanov G.S., Rogacki K., Miller M., Kudrevatykh N.V., Markin P.E., Volegov A.S., Grechishkin R.M., Dobatkin S.V., Schultz L. Magnetic hysteresis properties of nanocrystalline (Nd,Ho)-(Fe,Co)-B alloy after melt spinning, severe plastic deformation and subsequent heat treatment // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. V.681. P.555-560.
10. Ivanova T.I., Nikitin S.A., Tskhadadze G.A., Koshkid’ko Yu.S., Suski W., Iwasieczko W., Badurski D. Magnetic, transport and magnetocaloric properties in the Laves phase intermetallic Ho(Co<sub>1−x</sub>Al<sub>x</sub>)<sub>2</sub> compounds // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. V.592. P.271-276.
11. Chzhan V.B., Tereshina I.S., Rusakov V.S., Kurganskaya A.A., Tereshina-Chitrova E.A., Filimonov A.V., Tran V.H., Karpenkov A.Yu., Drulis H. Magnetocaloric and Mössbauer effects studies of the multicomponent Tb-Dy-Ho-Co-Fe-H compounds with a Laves phase structure near the Curie temperature // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. V.868. art.no.159056.
12. Khovaylo V., Tereshina I., Politova G., Karpenkov A., Taskaev S., Palewski T. Magnetostriction of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Ni<sub>2.27</sub>Mn<sub>0.73</sub>Ga studied in magnetic fields up to 10 T // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018. V.741. P.689-692.
13. Nikitin S.A., Pankratov N.Y., Smarzhevskaya A.I., Ćwik J., Koshkid'ko Y.S., Karpenkov A.Y., Karpenkov D.Y., Pastushenkov Y.G., Nenkov K., Rogacki K. The influence of ferrimagnetic structure on magnetocaloric effect in Dy<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>10</sub>Al<sub>7</sub> compound // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. V.854. art.no.156214.
14. Ilyushin A.S., Tereshina I.S., Pankratov N.Yu., Aleroeva T.A., Umhaeva Z.S., Karpenkov A.Yu., Kiseleva T.Yu., Granovsky S.A., Doerr M., Drulis H., Tereshina-Chitrova E.A. The phenomenon of magnetic compensation in the multi-component compounds (Tb,Y,Sm)Fe<sub>2</sub> and their hydrides // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020. V.847. art.no.155976.