1. Tereshina I.S., Karpenkov A.Yu., Kurganskaya A.A., Chzhan V.B., Lushnikov S.A., Verbetsky V.N., Kozlyakova E.S., Vasiliev A.N. Effects of composition variation and hydrogenation on magnetocaloric properties of the (Gd<sub>1-x</sub>Tb<sub>x</sub>)Ni (x = 0.1; 0.9) compounds // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2023. V.574. art.no.170693.
2. Makarova L.A., Alekhina Y.A., Perov N.S., Omelyanchik A.S., Rodionova V.V., Malyshkina O.V. Elastically coupled ferromagnetic and ferroelectric micro particles: new multiferroic materials based on polymer, ndfeb and pzt particles // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2018. P.89-92.
3. Makarova L.A., Alekhina Yu.A., Omelyanchik A.S., Rodionova V.V., Malyshkina O.V., Perov N.S. Elastically coupled ferromagnetic and ferroelectric microparticles: New multiferroic materials based on polymer, NdFeB and PZT particles // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019. V.470. P.89-92.
4. Taskaev S.V., Kuz'min M.D., Skokov K.P., Karpenkov D.Yu., Pellenen A.P., Buchelnikov V.D., Gutfleisch O. Giant induced anisotropy ruins the magnetocaloric effect in gadolinium // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2013. V.331. P.33-36.
5. Karpenkov D.Yu., Muratov D.G., Kozitov L.V. , Skokov K.P., Karpenkov A.Yu., Popkova A.V., Gutfleisch O. Infrared heating mediated synthesis and characterization of FeCo/C nanocomposites // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2017. V.429. P.94-101.
6. Ener S., Skokov K.P., Karpenkov D.Yu., Kuz'min M.D., Gutfleisch O. Magnet properties of Mn<sub>70</sub>Ga<sub>30</sub> prepared by cold rolling and magnetic field annealing // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2015. V.382. P.265-270.
7. Politova G.A., Tereshina I.S., Karpenkov A.Yu., Chzhan V.B., Cwik J. Magnetism, magnetocaloric and magnetostrictive effects in RCo<sub>2</sub> – type (R = Tb, Dy, Ho) laves phase compounds // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2024. V.591. art.no.171700.
8. Pankratov N.Yu., Karpenkov A.Yu., Rusakov V.S., Gubaidulina T.V., Umkhaeva Z.S., Tereshina I.S. Magnetocaloric, magnetostrictive and <sup>57</sup>Fe Mössbauer studies of the multicomponent (Er,Y,Sm)Fe<sub>2</sub> compounds // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2023. art.no.171643.
9. Kurichenko V.L., Karpenkov D.Yu., Karpenkov A.Yu., Lyakhova M.B., Khovaylo V.V. Synthesis of FeNi tetrataenite phase by means of chemical precipitation // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019. V.470. P.33-37.