1. Levin V.A., Zubov L.M., Zingerman K.M. An exact solution for the problem of flexure of a composite beam with preliminarily strained layers under large strains // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2015. V.67-68. P.244-249.
2. Levin V.A., Zubov L.M., Zingerman K.M. An exact solution for the problem of flexure of a composite beam with preliminarily strained layers under large strains. Part 2. Solution for different types of incompressible materials // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2016. V.100-101. P.558–565.
3. Levin V.A., Zingerman K.M., Vershinin A.V., Freiman E.I., Yangirova A.V. Numerical analysis of the stress concentration near holes originating in previously loaded viscoelastic bodies at finite strains // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2013. V.50. P.3119-3135.
4. Levin V.A., Levitas V.I., Zingerman K.M., Freiman E.I. Phase-field simulation of stress-induced martensitic phase transformations at large strains // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2013. V.50. P.2914-2928.
5. Levin V.A., Zubov L.M., Zingerman K.M. The torsion of a composite, nonlinear-elastic cylinder with an inclusion having initial large strains // International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2014. V.51. Issue 6. P.1403–1409.