1. Perevozchikov A.G., Maltseva A.A., Basangov Y.M. Business value change forecasting within the mixed discrete-continuous model of jumps based on brown and poisson processes // Actual problems of economics. 2015. №3(165). С.453-466.
2. Maltseva A.A., Misharin M.L. Current state of objects of university innovative infrastructure in the Russian Federation // Actual problems of economics. 2014. №8(158). P.71-80.
3. Maltseva A.A., Monakhov I.A. Development of theoretical concepts of intellectual capital in the framework of dynamic transformation of economy // Actual problems of economics. 2014. №11(161). P.16-33.
4. Zabelina O.V. Food security in Russia and its regions // Actual problems of economics. 2014. №11(161). P.83-90.
5. Maltseva A.A. Multi-criteria assessment of regions to determine perspectives of creation of territories of innovative development // Actual problems of economics. 2014. №10(160). P.229-238.
6. Maltseva A.A., Veselov I.N., Barsukova N.E. Research on image capital of state scientific centers in Russian Federation using the webometrics tools // Actual problems of economics. 2015. №11(173). С.444-451.
7. Maltseva A.A. Russian technology park structures and their foreign analogues: the average features and comparative analysis // Actual problems of economics. 2014. №12(162). P.190-202.
8. Maltseva A.A. Sociohumanistic design of the territories of innovative development in Russian Federation // Actual problems of economics. 2015. №1(163). С.261-269.
9. Kaplunov I.A., Maltseva A.A., Drozdov V.I. System of indicators for rating assessment of regions' innovative development in Russian Federation as an element of efficiency monitiring of transformational processes // Actual problems of economics. 2014. №9(159). P.237-247.
10. Мальцева А.А., Серов А.А., Веселов И.Н. Ранжирование российских университетских технопарковых структур с применением инструментария математической статистики // Actual problems of economics. 2016. №10(184). С.380-388.