1. Pakhomov P.M., Pogudkina A.A., Mezheumov I.N., Khizhnyak S.D., Ivanova A.I., Grechishkin R.M., Galitsyn V.P. Chemistry and Technology of Chemical Fibers Compaction and Monolith Production of Ultrahigh-molecular-weight Polyethylene Reactor Powders // Fibre Chemistry. 2014. V.46. No.1. P.5-9.
2. Pakhomov P.M., Khizhnyak S.D., Galitsyn V.P., Jehnichen D., Hofmann T., Chmel' A. Evolution of intercrystallite «bridges» during multi-step drawing of gel-spun polyethylene fibers // Fibre Chemistry. 2014. V.45. Issue 6. P.343-349.
3. Sokolov A.V., Alekseev E.E., Khizhnyak S.D., Galitsyn V.P., Pakhomov P.M. Thermooxidative destruction of solvent during production of high-strength fibers of ultrahigh-molecular polyethylene (uhmpe) by gel-formation method // Fibre Chemistry. 2018. V.50. Issue 4. P.270-273.