1. Komarov P.V., Zaborina O.E., Klimova T.P., Lozinsky V.I., Khalatur P.G., Khokhlov A.R. Designing artificial enzymes from scratch: Experimental study and mesoscale simulation // Chemical Physics Letters. 2016. V.661. P.219-223.
2. Pavlov A.S. , Khalatur P.G. Fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of nanosilica-filled crosslinked polybutadiene // Chemical Physics Letters. 2016. V.653. P.90-95.
3. Komarov P., Markina A., Ivanov V. Influence of surface modification of halloysite nanotubes on their dispersion in epoxy matrix: Mesoscopic DPD simulation // Chemical Physics Letters. 2016. V.653. P.24-29.
4. Markina A., Ivanov V., Komarov P., Khokhlov A., Tung S.-H. Self-assembly of micelles in organic solutions of lecithin and bile salt: Mesoscale computer simulation // Chemical Physics Letters. 2016. V.664. P.16-22.
5. Komarov P.V., Veselov I.N., Khalatur P.G. Self-organization of amphiphilic block copolymers in the presence of water: A mesoscale simulation // Chemical Physics Letters. 2014. V.605-606. P.22-27.