1. | Notov A.A., Andreeva E.A. Analysis of anomalous flowers of Alchemilla micans Buser (Rosaceae) // The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2015. 7. №2. С.113-119. | |
2. | Notov A.A., Andreeva E.A. Homeosis variants of reproductive structure anomalies of Geum rivale L. (Rosaceae) // The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2014. V.6(1). P.45-53. | |
3. | Notov A.A., Andreeva E.A. Monopodial rosette-forming Rosaceae – a model for teratological research // The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2016. V.8. Iss.1. P.34-45. | |
4. | Notov A.A., Андреева Е.А. Morphological analysis of anomalous flowers of Alchemilla monticola Opiz (Rosaceae) // The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2014. V.6(2). P.165-173. | |
5. | Titova G.E., Shamrov I.I., Kruglova N.N., Morozova N.M., Notov A.A., Osadtchiy J.V. Professor Tatyana Batygina: Scientific Heritage // The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2018. V.10. Issue 2. P.157-160. | |
6. | Notov A.A., Andreeva E.A. The location of anomalous flowers on flower-bearing stems of Alchemilla monticola Opiz (Rosaceae) // The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2015. 7. №1. С.32-38. |