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2. Notov A.A. Ecological aspects of the evolution of modular organisms // Wulfenia. 2020. V.27. P.46-58.
3. Notov A.A., Zhukova L.A. Epiphytic lichensand bryophytes at different ontogenetic stages of Pinus sylvestris // Wulfenia. 2015. V.22. P.245–260.
4. Notov A.A. Fruticose lichens: structural diversity, taxonomic characteristics and evolution // Wulfenia. 2014. V.21. P.21-31.
5. Notov A.A. How did modular organisms appear? Functional and evolutionary aspects // Wulfenia. 2017. V.24. P.75-91.
6. Notov A.A. Modes of embryonization in the evolution of the ontogenesis of modular organisms // Wulfenia. 2012. V.19. P.15-21.