1. Guseva D.V., Komarov P.V., Lyulin A.V. Computational synthesis, structure, and glass transition of (1,4) Cis-polyisoprene-based nanocomposite by multiscale modeling // Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 2016. V.54. P.473-485.
2. Guseva D.V., Rudyak V.Y., Komarov P.V., Sulimov A.V., Bulgakov B.A., Chertovich A.V. Crosslinking mechanisms, structure and glass transition in phthalonitrile resins: Insight from computer multiscale simulations and experiments // Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 2018. V.56. Issue 5. P.362-374.
3. Markina A., Ivanov V., Komarov P., Larin S., Kenny J.M., Lyulin S. Effect of polymer chain stiffness on initial stages of crystallization of polyetherimides: Coarse-grained computer simulation // Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 2017. V.55. Issue 16. P.1254-1265.