1. Zinoviev A.V. Dental health of the historical adult population of Tver (12th-18th centuries, European Russia): Report 1 // Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology. 2021. V.15. Issue 1. P.54-57.
2. Zinoviev A.V. Dental health of the historical adult population of Tver (12th-19th centuries, European Russia): Report 2 // Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology. 2023. V.17. P.97-104.
3. Zinoviev A.V. Human cerebral palsy and a siege of Tver (Russia) by Batu Khan hordes (1238): A case study // Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology. 2019. V.13. No.1. P.18-22.
4. Zinoviev A.V., Khokhlov A.N., Ivanova A.B. On the human remains from the medieval fortification of Tver Kremlin (Russia) // Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology. 2016. V.10. Issue 5. P.16-20.
5. Zinoviev A.V. Review of human bone remains from Smolensk necropolis (19th century, Tver, Russia): Excavations of 2018 // Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology. 2018. V.12. No.2. P.54-58.