1. Maltseva A., Monakhov I., Veselov I. Government support for State Research Centers of the Russian Federation and how to improve it: an empirical study // Ponte. 2016. V.72. Issue 2. P.53-64.
2. Maltseva A., Gridchina A., Maimina E., Veselov I. Identification of development models of scientific organizations for management objectives // Ponte. 2017. V.73. Issue 10
3. Maltseva A. Scientific and methodological bases of intellectual capital management of science and technology parks // Ponte. 2016. V.72. Issue 2. P.170-188.
4. Maltseva А., Monakhov I., Bedenko N. The approaches to evaluating public scientific organizations: the experience of leading countries and possibility of using it in Russia // Ponte. 2017. V.73. Issue 10