1. Zinoviev A.V. Black woodpecker (<i>Dryocopus martius</i> L.) in the archaeozoological context of the Savvatiev Pustyn', a medieval rural Russian monastery // International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2019. V.29. Issue 2. P.356-360.
2. Zinoviev A.V., Korablev N.P. Comparative Craniometry of a Young Eurasian Beaver (<i>Castor fiber</i> L.) from the Medieval Novgorod the Great (Russia): A Case Study // International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2017. V.27. Issue 2. P.305-311.
3. Zinoviev A.V. Study of the medieval dogs from Novgorod, Russia (X-XIV century) // International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2012. V.22. Issue 2. P.145-157.
4. Zinoviev A.V. Study of the medieval domestic cats from Novgorod with reference to cats from medieval Tver (Russia; 10–14 centuries) // International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2018. V.28. Issue 2. P.109-119.
5. Zinoviev A.V. Zooarchaeology of Tver Kremlin (12th–18th centuries, Tver, Russia) // International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2021. V.31. Issue 4. P.568-582.