1. Nikoshvili L.Z., Popov A.Y., Bykov A.V., Sidorov A.I., Kiwi-Minsker L. Hybrid Pd-Nanoparticles within Polymeric Network in Selective Hydrogenation of Alkynols: Influence of Support Porosity // Molecules. 2022. V.27. Issue 12. art.no.3842.
2. Bykov A.V., Demidenko G.N., Nikoshvili L.Zh., Kiwi-Minsker L. Hyper-Cross-Linked Polystyrene as a Stabilizing Medium for Small Metal Clusters // Molecules. 2021. V.26. Issue 17. art.no.5294.
3. Bromley B., Pischetola Ch., Nikoshvili L., Cardenas-Lizana F., Kiwi-Minsker L. N<sub>2</sub>O Decomposition over Fe-ZSM-5: A Systematic Study in the Generation of Active Sites // Molecules. 2020. V.25. Issue 17. art.no.25173867.
4. Bakhvalova E.S., Bykov A.V., Markova M.E., Lugovoy Yu.V., Sidorov A.I., Molchanov V.P., Sulman M.G., Kiwi-Minsker L., Nikoshvili L.Z. Naphthalene-Based Polymers as Catalytic Supports for Suzuki Cross-Coupling // Molecules. 2023. V.28. Issue 13. art.no.4938.
5. Bakhvalova E.S., Pinyukova A.O., Mikheev A.V., Demidenko G.N., Sulman M.G., Bykov A.V., Nikoshvili L.Z., Kiwi-Minsker L. Noble Metal Nanoparticles Stabilized by Hyper-Cross-Linked Polystyrene as Effective Catalysts in Hydrogenation of Arenes // Molecules. 2021. V.26. Issue 15. art.no.4687.
6. Bezrodnyi V.V., Mikhtaniuk S.E., Shavykin O.V., Neelov I.M., Sheveleva N.N., Markelov D.A. Size and structure of empty and filled nanocontainer based on peptide dendrimer with histidine spacers at different pH // Molecules. 2021. V.26. Issue 21. art.no.6552.
7. Savchenko V., Koch M., Pavlov A.S., Saphiannikova M., Guskova O. Stacks of Azobenzene Stars: Self-Assembly Scenario and Stabilising Forces Quantified in Computer Modelling // Molecules. 2019. V.24. Issue 23. art.no.4387.