1. Bezrodnyi V.V., Mikhtaniuk S.E., Shavykin O.V., Sheveleva N.N., Markelov D.A., Neelov I.M. A Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Complexes of Fullerenes and Lysine-Based Peptide Dendrimers with and without Glycine Spacers // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024. V.25. Issue 2. art.no.691.
2. Shavykin O.V., Mikhtaniuk S.E., Fatullaev E.I., Neelov I.M., Leermakers F.A.M., Brito M.E., Holm C., Borisov O.V., Darinskii A.A. Hybrid Molecules Consisting of Lysine Dendrons with Several Hydrophobic Tails: A SCF Study of Self-Assembling // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. V.24. Issue 3. art.no.2078.
3. Komarov P., Malyshev M., Baburkin P., Guseva D. Mesoscale Simulations of Structure Formation in Polyacrylonitrile Nascent Fibers Induced by Binary Solvent Mixture // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. V.24. Issue 11. art.no.9312.
4. Fatullaev E.I., Shavykin O.V., Neelov I.M. Molecular Dynamics of Lysine Dendrigrafts in Methanol–Water Mixtures // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. V.24. Issue 4. art.no.3063.