1. Smirnova K.A., Khizhnyak S.D., Ivanova A.I., Pakhomov P.M. Production of Films with Silver Nanoparticles from Aqueous Glycine–Silver Solution with Polyvinyl Alcohol // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2023. V.96. P.228-236.
2. Shukhina K.A., Khizhnyak S.D., Pakhomov P.M. Application of UV Spectroscopy to Study Structural Rearrangements in Cysteine–Silver Solution // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2023. V.96. P.566-569.
3. Kuznetsova Yu.V., Verolainen N.V., Verolainen V.A., Shamarina K.A. Determination of Local Young’s Modulus Values on the Polymer Surface by Contact Force Spectroscopy // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2023. V.96. P.602-606.
4. Zhuravlev O.E., Kaftanov A.D., Yulmasov G.S., Voronchikhina L.I. Synthesis and Thermal Stability of Bis-Quaternary Ammonium Ionic Liquids with Inorganic Anions // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2023. V.96. P.395-401.